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it‘s driving me crazy
简直要把我逼疯了  detail>>
call me crazy
你说我很疯狂 让我疯狂 也许你认为我疯狂  detail>>
drive me crazy
让我疯狂  detail>>
it drives me crazy
他使我快要发疯了 它使我快要发疯了  detail>>
she drives me crazy
她让我疯狂 为你疯狂  detail>>
you make me crazy
我为你发狂  detail>>
let me drive you crazy
让我替你疯狂  detail>>
driving me stage
冒险岛  detail>>
you told me we were crazy in love
你告诉我我们疯狂地相爱着  detail>>
oh, me and my baby driving down
我和我的宝贝继续开下去  detail>>
be crazy for
着迷, 渴望  detail>>
 adj.  1.摇晃不稳的,破烂的(船、房子等);〔古语〕(身体)虚弱的。 2.疯狂的;狂妄的;怪诞的,古怪的;〔口语〕对…极度热心[迷恋] (about)。...  detail>>
crazy for
渴望  detail>>
 adj.  1.推动的,起推动作用的。 2.【机械工程】传动的;主动的。 3.猛冲的。 4.精力充沛的,有上进心的;(监工等对工人)苛刻的...  detail>>
im crazy, crazy for you
肠疯狂,为你疯狂  detail>>
a crazy criminal
神经兮兮的罪犯122  detail>>
a little crazy
几分疯狂  detail>>
aerosmith crazy
最佳摇滚组合  detail>>